Railroad semaphore signal project.

A 3X3X3' hole has been dug to support the base and the forms have been

Forty feet of rebar and over 40 bags of concrete mixed by hand reveals
a finished pad ready to receive semaphore base.

Notice the rock detail on the left side where the maintenance ladder
will rest.

Time to get semaphore. View of semaphore before being removed by
the railroad.

It's sad to see it gone from this location forever.

Base has been sandblasted to remove many layers of flaking paint and is
now ready for painting.

Time to paint using industrial grade bare metal paint. Going with
the original black paint scheme.

Can't forget the mast and ladder.

Base is in place along the right-of-way and ready to receive the ladder
and mast.

Mast was a bit too heavy to handle on my own so I enlisted the help of
some friends with a boom truck.

I can't remember which way this thing is supposed to be turned.

Getting mast into position.

Almost ready for the nuts to be tightened down.

Spec-cast and flag have been installed.

Lower base compartment ready to receive relays.

Relays have been installed.

Signal has been bagged until ready for service.

Light housing has been installed.

Rear view.

It's almost done.

Semaphore base with original SP signal locks.

Closeup of SP Co. signal lock.

Rear view.

It's finally done! A signal line still needs to be run on the right side but that's another project.